Somewhere in the Sandbox…

Somewhere in the Sandbox…

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” -Matthew 13:44, ESV Today was a typical Tuesday afternoon in that I had my 4-year-old son,...

Planting My Cherry Blossom Tree…

  As this has been a season of finally “planting things” that have been on my heart for several years (starting with my tulip and hyacinth bulbs), my latest “step” has been to plant a cherry blossom tree. Every year when the cherry blossom...

Remembering Tim…

  It’s odd to me that April 1st will forever now for me be the day that my family and I so wish everything that happened on this day could be so easily taken back by saying that saying we say on this date to take back our schemes to infuse some irony or...
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