Physical Well-being

In this section, I hope to cover all these aspects of life that my intellectual side used to try to “ignore” or “downplay” as somehow less important than the deeper, emotional, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life…

As I age and get older (and hopefully wiser), and especially since becoming a mom charged with the care and development and growth of three children, I am understanding more and more just how significant a role our Physical Well-being plays in life and wholeness.

Please note that I am deliberately using the term “well-being” versus just our “health,” because wholeness in the physical sense has to do with so much more than just being physiologically healthy — although that itself is a necessity of being/staying alive, and having sufficient energy and mobility to go and pursue all the rest of what life entails (including the deeper stuff).

My hope is to share and talk about (1) Physical health in general, (2) food, (3) fitness, (4) beauty and (5) our homes.

I most definitely am not an expert in any of these areas (I’m pretty sure by now that my natural propensity will always be to focus more on the “inner” vs. “outer” self, and I’m okay with that!), but these are all things I have most definitely learned to value in recent years, and they are areas I am open and seeking to grow in, so I will simply seek to include you in on my journey.


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