

Just wanted to share my first small “harvest” bouquet of Hyacinths from my flower beds  =)

I’m happy to share (and show) that the bulbs I planted in December are indeed coming up and beginning to bloom!  So far, no tulips have bloomed yet, but I do see the leaves poking out and forming…so it seems that the impact of being planted in December has resulted in a delay of flowers, since many of my neighbors have lots of beautiful tulips already.

As I had predicted, my flowers are also popping up rather haphazardly, and there are quite a lot of them as we decided to just plant all the bulbs in my two bags from Costco (one of hyacinths and one of tulips) — so my flowerbeds are not really a sight to admire… However, the Hyacinths are strong and healthy and filling the air with their fragrance (both outside and now also inside my home) which makes me quite happy that I finally took this first step of bulb-planting.  It’s only a first step, and not really an impressive one at that in light of what many greener thumbs are able to produce, but it nevertheless is a significant first step for myself, and because of that I will deliberately celebrate it before perhaps switching gears into constructive criticism for how I might consider improvements for the future.

I am learning these days to celebrate each little step and sign of victory, of growth, of progress…and of simple glimpses of beauty that surround us in the world and in our lives, and allowing our hearts and minds to take time here and there to find delight in them.  It’s like little “hi’s” and smiles and waves from Heaven… reminders and signs of all that is good, that we might be encouraged and spurred on to turn towards and/or continue going in that good direction…

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